class cyclopts.App(name=None, help=None, usage=None, *, default_command=None, default_parameter=None, version=_Nothing.NOTHING, version_flags=['--version'], show=True, console=None, help_flags=['--help', '-h'], help_format=None, group=None, group_arguments=None, group_parameters=None, group_commands=None, converter=None, validator=None, name_transform=None)[source]

Cyclopts Application.

name: str | Iterable[str] | None = None

Name of application, or subcommand if registering to another application. Name fallback resolution:

  1. User specified name.

  2. If a default function has been registered, the name of that function.

  3. If the module name is __main__.py, the name of the encompassing package.

  4. The value of sys.argv[0].

Multiple names can be provided in the case of a subcommand, but this is relatively unusual.

help: str | None = None

Text to display on help screen.

help_flags: str | Iterable[str] = ("--help", "-h")

Tokens that trigger help_print(). Set to an empty list to disable help feature. Defaults to ["--help", "-h"]. Cannot be changed after instantiating the app.

help_format: Literal['plaintext', 'markdown', 'md', 'restructuredtext', 'rst'] | None = None

The markup language of docstring function descriptions. If None, fallback to parenting help_format. If no help_format is defined, falls back to "restructuredtext".

usage: str | None = None

Text to be displayed in lieue of the default Usage: app COMMAND ... at the beginning of the help-page. Set to an empty-string "" to disable showing the default usage.

show: bool = True

Show this command on the help screen.

version: None | str | Callable = None

Version to be displayed when a token of version_flags is parsed. Defaults to attempting to using version of the package instantiating App. If a Callable, it will be invoked with no arguments when version is queried.

version_flags: str | Iterable[str] = ("--version",)

Token(s) that trigger version_print(). Set to an empty list to disable version feature. Defaults to ["--version"]. Cannot be changed after instantiating the app.

console: rich.console.Console = None

Default rich.console.Console to use when displaying runtime errors. Cyclopts console resolution is as follows:

  1. Any explicitly passed in console to methods like App.__call__(), App.parse_args(), etc.

  2. The relevant subcommand's App.console attribute, if not None.

  3. The parenting App.console (and so on), if not None.

  4. If all values are None, then the default Console is used.

default_parameter: Parameter = None

Default Parameter configuration.

group: None | str | Group | Iterable[str | Group] = None

The group(s) that default_command belongs to.

  • If None, defaults to the "Commands" group.

  • If str, use an existing Group (from neighboring sub-commands) with name, or create a Group with provided name if it does not exist.

  • If Group, directly use it.

group_commands: Group = Group("Commands")

The default group that sub-commands are assigned to.

group_arguments: Group = Group("Arguments")

The default group that positional-only parameters are assigned to.

group_parameters: Group = Group("Parameters")

The default group that non-positional-only parameters are assigned to.

converter: Callable | None = None

A function where all the converted CLI-provided variables will be keyword-unpacked, regardless of their positional/keyword-type in the command function signature. The python variable names will be used, which may differ from their CLI names.

def converter(**kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    "Return an updated dictionary."

The returned dictionary will be used passed along to the command invocation. This converter runs after Parameter and Group converters.

validator: None | Callable | List[Callable] = []

A function where all the converted CLI-provided variables will be keyword-unpacked, regardless of their positional/keyword-type in the command function signature. The python variable names will be used, which may differ from their CLI names.

Example usage:

def validator(**kwargs):
    "Raise an exception if something is invalid."

This validator runs after Parameter and Group validators.

The raised error message will be presented to the user with python-variables prepended with "--" remapped to their CLI counterparts.

name_transform: Callable[[str], str] | None = None

A function that converts function names to their CLI command counterparts.

The function must have signature:

def name_transform(s: str) -> str:

If None (default value), uses cyclopts.default_name_transform(). If a subapp, inherits from first non-None parent.


Print the application version.

Return type:



Get the subapp from a command string.

All commands get registered to Cyclopts as subapps. The actual function handler is at app[key].default_command.

Return type:



Iterate over command & meta command names.

Return type:



Extract out the command tokens from a command.


tokens (Union[None, str, Iterable[str]]) -- Either a string, or a list of strings to launch a command. Defaults to sys.argv[1:]


  • List[str] -- Tokens that are interpreted as a valid command chain.

  • List[App] -- The associated App object with each of those tokens.

  • List[str] -- The remaining non-command tokens.

command(obj=None, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Decorator to register a function as a CLI command.

Return type:

TypeVar(T, bound= Callable)

  • obj (Optional[Callable]) -- Function or App to be registered as a command.

  • name (Union[None, str, Iterable[str]]) --

    Name(s) to register the obj to. If not provided, defaults to:

    • If registering an App, then the app's name.

    • If registering a function, then the function's name.

  • **kwargs -- Any argument that App can take.

default(obj=None, *, converter=None, validator=None)[source]

Decorator to register a function as the default action handler.

Return type:

TypeVar(T, bound= Callable)

parse_known_args(tokens=None, *, console=None)[source]

Interpret arguments into a function, BoundArguments, and any remaining unknown tokens.

Return type:

Tuple[Callable, BoundArguments, List[str]]


tokens (Union[None, str, Iterable[str]]) -- Either a string, or a list of strings to launch a command. Defaults to sys.argv[1:]


  • command (Callable) -- Bare function to execute.

  • bound (inspect.BoundArguments) -- Bound arguments for command.

  • unused_tokens (List[str]) -- Any remaining CLI tokens that didn't get parsed for command.

parse_args(tokens=None, *, console=None, print_error=True, exit_on_error=True, verbose=False)[source]

Interpret arguments into a function and BoundArguments.

Return type:

Tuple[Callable, BoundArguments]


UnusedCliTokensError -- If any tokens remain after parsing.

  • tokens (Union[None, str, Iterable[str]]) -- Either a string, or a list of strings to launch a command. Defaults to sys.argv[1:].

  • console (rich.console.Console) -- Console to print help and runtime Cyclopts errors. If not provided, follows the resolution order defined in App.console.

  • print_error (bool) -- Print a rich-formatted error on error. Defaults to True.

  • exit_on_error (bool) -- If there is an error parsing the CLI tokens invoke sys.exit(1). Otherwise, continue to raise the exception. Defaults to True.

  • verbose (bool) -- Populate exception strings with more information intended for developers. Defaults to False.


  • command (Callable) -- Function associated with command action.

  • bound (inspect.BoundArguments) -- Parsed and converted args and kwargs to be used when calling command.

__call__(tokens=None, *, console=None, print_error=True, exit_on_error=True, verbose=False)[source]

Interprets and executes a command.

  • tokens (Union[None, str, Iterable[str]]) -- Either a string, or a list of strings to launch a command. Defaults to sys.argv[1:].

  • console (rich.console.Console) -- Console to print help and runtime Cyclopts errors. If not provided, follows the resolution order defined in App.console.

  • print_error (bool) -- Print a rich-formatted error on error. Defaults to True.

  • exit_on_error (bool) -- If there is an error parsing the CLI tokens invoke sys.exit(1). Otherwise, continue to raise the exception. Defaults to True.

  • verbose (bool) -- Populate exception strings with more information intended for developers. Defaults to False.


return_value -- The value the parsed command handler returns.

Return type:


help_print(tokens=None, *, console=None)[source]

Print the help page.

Return type:


  • tokens (Union[None, str, Iterable[str]]) -- Tokens to interpret for traversing the application command structure. If not provided, defaults to sys.argv.

  • console (rich.console.Console) -- Console to print help and runtime Cyclopts errors. If not provided, follows the resolution order defined in App.console.

interactive_shell(prompt='$ ', quit=None, dispatcher=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a blocking, interactive shell.

All registered commands can be executed in the shell.

Return type:


  • prompt (str) -- Shell prompt. Defaults to "$ ".

  • quit (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -- String or list of strings that will cause the shell to exit and this method to return. Defaults to ["q", "quit"].

  • dispatcher (Optional[Dispatcher]) --

    Optional function that subsequently invokes the command. The dispatcher function must have signature:

    def dispatcher(command: Callable, bound: inspect.BoundArguments) -> Any:
        return command(*bound.args, **bound.kwargs)

    The above is the default dispatcher implementation.

  • **kwargs -- Get passed along to parse_args().

class cyclopts.Parameter(name=None, converter=None, validator=(), negative=None, group=None, parse=None, show=None, show_default=None, show_choices=None, help=None, show_env_var=None, env_var=None, negative_bool=None, negative_iterable=None, required=None, allow_leading_hyphen=False, *, name_transform=None)[source]

Cyclopts configuration for individual function parameters.

Cyclopts configuration for individual function parameters.

name: None | str | Iterable[str] = None

Name(s) to expose to the CLI. Defaults to the python parameter's name, prepended with --. Single-character options should start with -. Full-name options should start with --.

converter: Callable | None = None

A function that converts string token(s) into an object. The converter must have signature:

def converter(type_, *args) -> Any:

If not provided, defaults to Cyclopts's internal coercion engine.

validator: None | Callable | Iterable[Callable] = None

A function (or list of functions) that validates data returned by the converter.

def validator(type_, value: Any) -> None:
    pass  # Raise a TypeError, ValueError, or AssertionError here if data is invalid.
group: None | str | Group | Iterable[str | Group] = None

The group(s) that this parameter belongs to. This can be used to better organize the help-page, and/or to add additional conversion/validation logic (such as ensuring mutually-exclusive arguments).

If None, defaults to one of the following groups:

  1. Parenting App.group_arguments if the parameter is POSITIONAL_ONLY. By default, this is Group("Arguments").

  2. Parenting App.group_parameters otherwise. By default, this is Group("Parameters").

negative: None | str | Iterable[str] = None

Name(s) for empty iterables or false boolean flags. For booleans, defaults to --no-{name}. For iterables, defaults to --empty-{name}. Set to an empty list to disable this feature.

negative_bool: str | None = None

Prefix for negative boolean flags. Must start with "--". Defaults to "--no-".

negative_iterable: str | None = None

Prefix for empty iterables (like lists and sets) flags. Must start with "--". Defaults to "--empty-".

allow_leading_hyphen: bool = False

Allow parsing non-numeric values that begin with a hyphen -. This is disabled by default, allowing for more helpful error messages for unknown CLI options.

parse: bool | None = True

Attempt to use this parameter while parsing. Annotated parameter must be keyword-only.

required: bool | None = None

Indicates that the parameter must be supplied on the help-page. Does not directly enforce whether or not a parameter must be supplied; only influences the help-page. Defaults to inferring from the function signature; i.e. False if the parameter has a default, True otherwise.

show: bool | None = None

Show this parameter on the help screen. If False, state of all other show_* flags are ignored. Defaults to parse value (True).

show_default: bool | None = None

If a variable has a default, display the default on the help page. Defaults to None, similar to True, but will not display the default if it's None.

show_choices: bool | None = True

If a variable has a set of choices, display the choices on the help page. Defaults to True.

help: str | None = None

Help string to be displayed on the help page. If not specified, defaults to the docstring.

show_env_var: bool | None = True

If a variable has env_var set, display the variable name on the help page. Defaults to True.

env_var: None | str | Iterable[str] = None

Fallback to environment variable(s) if CLI value not provided. If multiple environment variables are given, the left-most environment variable with a set value will be used. If no environment variable is set, Cyclopts will fallback to the function-signature default.

name_transform: Callable[[str], str] | None = None

A function that converts python parameter names to their CLI command counterparts.

The function must have signature:

def name_transform(s: str) -> str:

If None (default value), uses cyclopts.default_name_transform().

classmethod combine(*parameters)[source]

Returns a new Parameter with values of parameters.

Return type:



*parameters (Optional[Parameter]) -- Parameters who's attributes override self attributes. Ordered from least-to-highest attribute priority.

classmethod default()[source]

Create a Parameter with all Cyclopts-default values.

This is different than just Parameter because the default values will be recorded and override all upstream parameter values.

Return type:


class cyclopts.Group(name='', help='', sort_key=None, *, show=None, converter=None, validator=None, default_parameter=None)[source]

A group of parameters and/or commands in a CLI application.

name: str = ""

Group name used for the help-page and for group-referenced-by-string. This is a title, so the first character should be capitalized. If a name is not specified, it will not be shown on the help-page.

help: str = ""

Additional documentation shown on the help-page. This will be displayed inside the group's panel, above the parameters/commands.

show: bool | None = None

Show this group on the help-page. Defaults to None, which will only show the group if a name is provided.

sort_key: Any = None

Modifies group-panel display order on the help-page.

  1. If sort_key, or any of it's contents, are Callable, then invoke it sort_key(group) and apply the returned value to (2) if None, (3) otherwise.

  2. For all groups with sort_key==None (default value), sort them alphabetically. These sorted groups will be displayed after sort_key != None list (see 3).

  3. For all groups with sort_key!=None, sort them by (sort_key, group.name). It is the user's responsibility that sort_key s are comparable.

Example usage:

@app.command(group=Group("4", sort_key=5))
def cmd1():

@app.command(group=Group("3", sort_key=lambda x: 10))
def cmd2():

@app.command(group=Group("2", sort_key=lambda x: None))
def cmd3():

def cmd4():

Resulting help-page:

Usage: app COMMAND

App Help String Line 1.

╭─ 4 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ cmd1                                                               │
╭─ 3 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ cmd2                                                               │
╭─ 1 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ cmd4                                                               │
╭─ 2 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ cmd3                                                               │
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help,-h  Display this message and exit.                          │
│ --version  Display application version.                            │
default_parameter: Parameter | None = None

Default Parameter in the parameter-resolution-stack that goes between App.default_parameter and the function signature's Annotated Parameter. The provided Parameter is not allowed to have a group value.

converter: Callable | None

A function where the CLI-provided group variables will be keyword-unpacked, regardless of their positional/keyword-type in the command function signature. The python variable names will be used, which may differ from their CLI names.

def converter(**kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Return an updated dictionary."""

The python variable names will be used, which may differ from their CLI names. If a variable isn't populated from the CLI or environment variable, it will not be provided to the converter. I.e. defaults from the function signature are not applied prior.

The returned dictionary will be used for subsequent execution. Removing variables from the returned dictionary will unbind them. When used with @app.command, all function arguments are provided.

validator: Callable | None = None

A function (or list of functions) where the CLI-provided group variables will be keyword-unpacked, regardless of their positional/keyword-type in the command function signature. The python variable names will be used, which may differ from their CLI names.

Example usage:

def validator(**kwargs):
    "Raise an exception if something is invalid."

Validators are not invoked on command groups. The group-validator runs after the group-converter.

The raised error message will be presented to the user with python-variables prepended with "--" remapped to their CLI counterparts.

In the following example, the python variable name "--bar" in the error message is remapped to "--buzz".

from cyclopts import Parameter, App, Group
from typing import Annotated

app = App()

def upper_case_only(**kwargs):
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if not v.isupper():
            raise ValueError(f'--{k} value "{v}" needs to be uppercase.')

group = Group("", validator=upper_case_only)

def foo(
    bar: Annotated[str, Parameter(name="--fizz", group=group)],
    baz: Annotated[str, Parameter(name="--buzz", group=group)],

$ python meow.py ALICE bob
╭─ Error ─────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --buzz value "bob" needs to be uppercase.               │
classmethod create_ordered(*args, sort_key=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a group with a globally incremented sort_key.

Used to create a group that will be displayed after a previously declared Group.create_ordered() group on the help-page.

If a sort_key is provided, it is prepended to the globally incremented counter value (i.e. has priority during sorting).

cyclopts.convert(type_, *args, converter=None, name_transform=None)[source]

Coerce variables into a specified type.

Internally used to coercing string CLI tokens into python builtin types. Externally, may be useful in a custom converter. See Cyclopt's automatic coercion rules Coercion Rules.

If type_ is not iterable, then each element of *args will be converted independently. If there is more than one element, then the return type will be a Tuple[type_, ...]. If there is a single element, then the return type will be type_.

If type_ is iterable, then all elements of *args will be collated.

  • type (Type) -- A type hint/annotation to coerce *args into.

  • *args (str) -- String tokens to coerce.

  • converter (Optional[Callable[[Type, str], Any]]) --

    An optional function to convert tokens to the inner-most types. The converter should have signature:

    def converter(type_: type, value: str) -> Any:

    This allows to use the convert() function to handle the the difficult task of traversing lists/tuples/unions/etc, while leaving the final conversion logic to the caller.

  • name_transform (Optional[Callable[[str], str]]) --

    Currently only used for Enum type hints. A function that transforms enum names and CLI values into a normalized format.

    The function should have signature:

    def name_transform(s: str) -> str:

    where the returned value is the name to be used on the CLI.

    If None, defaults to cyclopts.default_name_transform.


Coerced version of input *args.

Return type:



Converts a python identifier into a CLI token.

Performs the following operations (in order): :rtype: str

  1. Convert the string to all lowercase.

  2. Replace _ with -.

  3. Strip any leading/trailing - (also stripping _, due to point 2).

Intended to be used with App.name_transform and Parameter.name_transform.


s (str) -- Input python identifier string.


Transformed name.

Return type:



Cyclopts has several builtin validators for common CLI inputs.

class cyclopts.validators.LimitedChoice(min=0, max=None)[source]

Group validator that limits the number of selections per group.

Commonly used for enforcing mutually-exclusive parameters (default behavior).

  • min (int) -- The minimum (inclusive) number of CLI parameters allowed.

  • max (Optional[int]) -- The maximum (inclusive) number of CLI parameters allowed. Defaults to 1 if min==0, min otherwise.

class cyclopts.validators.Number(*, lt=None, lte=None, gt=None, gte=None)[source]

Limit input number to a value range.

lt: Union[int, float, None]

Input value must be less than this value.

lte: Union[int, float, None]

Input value must be less than or equal this value.

gt: Union[int, float, None]

Input value must be greater than this value.

gte: Union[int, float, None]

Input value must be greater than or equal this value.

class cyclopts.validators.Path(*, exists=False, file_okay=True, dir_okay=True)[source]

Assertions on properties of pathlib.Path.

exists: bool

If True, specified path must exist. Defaults to False.

file_okay: bool

If True, specified path may be a file. If False, then files are not allowed. Defaults to True.

dir_okay: bool

If True, specified path may be a directory. If False, then directories are not allowed. Defaults to True.


Cyclopts has builtin pre-defined annotated-types for common validation configurations. All definitions in this section are just predefined annotations for convenience:

Annotated[..., Parameter(...)]

Due to Cyclopts's advanced Parameter resolution engine, these annotations can themselves be annotated. E.g:

Annotated[PositiveInt, Parameter(...)]


Path annotated types for checking existence, type, and performing path-resolution.


A Path file or directory that must exist.

alias of Path[Path]


A Path file or directory. resolve() is invoked prior to returning the path.

alias of Path[Path]


A Path file or directory that must exist. resolve() is invoked prior to returning the path.

alias of Path[Path]


A Path that must be a directory (or not exist).

alias of Path[Path]


A Path directory that must exist.

alias of Path[Path]


A Path directory. resolve() is invoked prior to returning the path.

alias of Path[Path]


A Path directory that must exist. resolve() is invoked prior to returning the path.

alias of Path[Path]


A File that must be a file (or not exist).

alias of Path[Path]


A Path file that must exist.

alias of Path[Path]


A Path file. resolve() is invoked prior to returning the path.

alias of Path[Path]


A Path file that must exist. resolve() is invoked prior to returning the path.

alias of Path[Path]


Annotated types for checking common int/float value constraints.


A float that must be >0.

alias of Annotated[float]


A float that must be >=0.

alias of Annotated[float]


A float that must be <0.

alias of Annotated[float]


A float that must be <=0.

alias of Annotated[float]


An int that must be >0.

alias of Annotated[int]


An int that must be >=0.

alias of Annotated[int]


An int that must be <0.

alias of Annotated[int]


An int that must be <=0.

alias of Annotated[int]


exception cyclopts.CycloptsError(*, msg=None, verbose=True, root_input_tokens=None, unused_tokens=None, target=None, cli2parameter=None, parameter2cli=None, command_chain=None, app=None, console=None)[source]

Bases: Exception

Root exception for runtime errors.

As CycloptsErrors bubble up the Cyclopts stack, more information is added to it. Finally, cyclopts.exceptions.format_cyclopts_error() formats the message nicely for the user.

msg: Optional[str]

If set, override automatic message generation.

verbose: bool

More verbose error messages; aimed towards developers debugging their Cyclopts app. Defaults to False.

root_input_tokens: Optional[List[str]]

The parsed CLI tokens that were initially fed into the App.

unused_tokens: Optional[List[str]]

Leftover tokens after parsing is complete.

target: Optional[Callable]

The python function associated with the command being parsed.

cli2parameter: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[Parameter, Any]]]

Dictionary mapping CLI strings to python parameters.

parameter2cli: Optional[ParameterDict]

Dictionary mapping function parameters to possible CLI tokens.

command_chain: Optional[List[str]]

List of command that lead to target.

app: Optional[App]

The Cyclopts application itself.

console: Optional[Console]

Rich console to display runtime errors.

exception cyclopts.ValidationError(*, msg=None, verbose=True, root_input_tokens=None, unused_tokens=None, target=None, cli2parameter=None, parameter2cli=None, command_chain=None, app=None, console=None, value, parameter=None, group=None)[source]

Bases: CycloptsError

Validator function raised an exception.

value: str

Parenting Assertion/Value/Type Error message.

parameter: Optional[Parameter]

Parameter who's validator function failed.

group: Optional[Group]

Group who's validator function failed.

exception cyclopts.UnknownOptionError(*, msg=None, verbose=True, root_input_tokens=None, unused_tokens=None, target=None, cli2parameter=None, parameter2cli=None, command_chain=None, app=None, console=None, token)[source]

Bases: CycloptsError

Unknown/unregistered option provided by the cli.

token: str
exception cyclopts.CoercionError(*, msg=None, verbose=True, root_input_tokens=None, unused_tokens=None, target=None, cli2parameter=None, parameter2cli=None, command_chain=None, app=None, console=None, input_value='', target_type=None, parameter=None)[source]

Bases: CycloptsError

There was an error performing automatic type coercion.

input_value: str

String input token that couldn't be coerced.

target_type: Optional[Type]

Intended type to coerce into.

parameter: Optional[Parameter]
exception cyclopts.InvalidCommandError(*, msg=None, verbose=True, root_input_tokens=None, unused_tokens=None, target=None, cli2parameter=None, parameter2cli=None, command_chain=None, app=None, console=None)[source]

Bases: CycloptsError

CLI token combination did not yield a valid command.

msg: Optional[str]

If set, override automatic message generation.

verbose: bool

More verbose error messages; aimed towards developers debugging their Cyclopts app. Defaults to False.

root_input_tokens: Optional[List[str]]

The parsed CLI tokens that were initially fed into the App.

unused_tokens: Optional[List[str]]

Leftover tokens after parsing is complete.

target: Optional[Callable]

The python function associated with the command being parsed.

cli2parameter: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[inspect.Parameter, Any]]]

Dictionary mapping CLI strings to python parameters.

parameter2cli: Optional[ParameterDict]

Dictionary mapping function parameters to possible CLI tokens.

command_chain: Optional[List[str]]

List of command that lead to target.

app: Optional['App']

The Cyclopts application itself.

console: Optional['Console']

Rich console to display runtime errors.

exception cyclopts.UnusedCliTokensError(*, msg=None, verbose=True, root_input_tokens=None, unused_tokens=None, target=None, cli2parameter=None, parameter2cli=None, command_chain=None, app=None, console=None)[source]

Bases: CycloptsError

Not all CLI tokens were used as expected.

exception cyclopts.MissingArgumentError(*, msg=None, verbose=True, root_input_tokens=None, unused_tokens=None, target=None, cli2parameter=None, parameter2cli=None, command_chain=None, app=None, console=None, parameter, tokens_so_far)[source]

Bases: CycloptsError

A parameter had insufficient tokens to be populated.

parameter: Parameter

The parameter that failed to parse.

tokens_so_far: List[str]

The tokens that were parsed so far for this Parameter.

exception cyclopts.CommandCollisionError[source]

A command with the same name has already been registered to the app.