Using pyproject.toml

Let's create a CLI tool that is configurable via the user's pyproject.toml. Think tools like Poetry, Ruff, and Codespell.

Base Application

For this example, we'll be creating a simple CLI named compact that can compress data with either the zip or the lzma algorithm.

from cyclopts import App, Parameter
from cyclopts.types import ExistingFile, File
from typing import Annotated, Literal, Optional
import lzma
import zlib

app = App(name="compact", help="Data compression tool.")

def compress(src: ExistingFile, dst: Optional[File] = None, *, method: Literal["lzma", "zip"] = "zip"):
    """Compress a file."""
    data = src.read_bytes()
    if method == "lzma":
        out = lzma.compress(data)
    elif method == "zip":
        out = zlib.compress(data)
        raise NotImplementedError
    dst = dst or src.with_suffix(src.suffix + "." + method)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This application works as-is, but it may be useful for the caller to set the default method field from their pyproject.toml. More precisely, we want to be able to use the following configuration:

# pyproject.toml
method = "lzma"

Customizing Launch

First, we need to hook into the application launch process. In Cyclopts, this is done with the Meta App (an app that launches an app). The most basic meta-app is:

def main(*tokens: Annotated[str, Parameter(show=False, allow_leading_hyphen=True)]):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.meta()  # Call app.meta() instead of app()

For our purposes, we'll want to dive into the Cyclopts machinery a little further.

def main(*tokens: Annotated[str, Parameter(show=False, allow_leading_hyphen=True)]):
    command, bound = app.parse_args(tokens)
    return command(*bound.args, **bound.kwargs)

command is the actual python function to-be-executed. bound is a BoundArguments object containing all the parsed & converted CLI arguments. It follows that command(*bound.args, **bound.kwargs) would execute the function with all of our supplied arguments.

Reading in pyproject.toml

We now have an appropriate place to read pyproject.toml from the current working directory. Add the following to the beginning of the main meta-app function:

import tomli  # Or you can just use ``toml`` in Python >=3.11

    with open("pyproject.toml", "rb") as f:
        config = tomli.load(f)["tool"]["compact"]  # Reads the [tool.compact] table.
except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError):
    config = {}

config will be empty if pyproject.toml does not exist, or if it does not contain a [tool.compact] table.


Many applications search the current working directory for pyproject.toml, and will fallback to searching parenting directories until a pyproject.toml is found. Here's a snippet for that:

from pathlib import Path

def find_pyproject() -> Path:
    """Searches current directory, then parenting directories until a pyproject.toml is found."""
    for parent in Path("pyproject.toml").absolute().parents:
        if (candidate := parent /
            return candidate
    raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find a pyproject.toml")

Getting the command string

We want to dynamically parse what sub-table of the config we need to access based on the command being executed. The parse_commands() method returns a bunch of data; the first returned element is a list of strings containing the parsed command names.

command_names, _, _ = app.parse_commands(tokens)

If we invoked our program:

$ python compress foo.bin

Then the resulting command_names would be ["compress"].

We can now access the config for this specific subcommand:

for command_name in command_names:
    config = config.get(command_name, {})

Updating bound arguments

Finally, we need to set these values as defaults to the bound.arguments dictionary. We don't want to simply update the dictionary, as that would mean our toml-configured values would overwrite CLI-provided values. Using dict.setdefault() will only set values for previously non-existent keys.

# Update the bound arguments for unset keys:
for key, value in config.items():
    bound.arguments.setdefault(key, value)


You are responsible to correctly interpreting/coercing data types from non-cli sources to the correct type. E.g. A value from toml may be a string, but the function might be expecting a Path object.

Final Code

Putting it all together, here's the complete copy/pastable example code:

from cyclopts import App, Parameter
from cyclopts.types import ExistingFile, File
from typing import Annotated, Literal, Optional
import tomli
import lzma
import zlib

app = App(name="compact", help="Data compression tool.")

def compress(src: ExistingFile, dst: Optional[File] = None, *, method: Literal["lzma", "zip"] = "zip"):
    """Compress a file."""
    data = src.read_bytes()
    if method == "lzma":
        out = lzma.compress(data)
    elif method == "zip":
        out = zlib.compress(data)
        raise NotImplementedError
    dst = dst or src.with_suffix(src.suffix + "." + method)

def main(*tokens: Annotated[str, Parameter(show=False, allow_leading_hyphen=True)]):
        with open("pyproject.toml", "rb") as f:
            config = tomli.load(f)["tool"]["compact"]
    except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError):
        config = {}

    # The main Cyclopts parsing/conversion
    command, bound = app.parse_args(tokens)

    # Get the config dictionary for the specified command.
    command_names, _, _ = app.parse_commands(tokens)
    for command_name in command_names:
        config = config.get(command_name, {})

    # Update the bound arguments for unset keys:
    for key, value in config.items():
        bound.arguments.setdefault(key, value)

    # Actual function execution.
    return command(*bound.args, **bound.kwargs)

if __name__ == "__main__":