
There are 2 function-registering decorators:

  1. @app.default - Registers an action for when no registered command is provided. This was previously demonstrated in Getting Started.

    A sub-app cannot be registered with @app.default. The default app.default handler runs app.help_print.

  2. @app.command - Registers a function or App as a command. Commands require explicit CLI invocation.

This section will detail how to use the @app.command decorator.

Registering a Command

The @app.command decorator adds a command to a Cyclopts application.

from cyclopts import App

app = App()

def fizz(n: int):
    print(f"FIZZ: {n}")

def buzz(n: int):
    print(f"BUZZ: {n}")

$ my-script fizz 3

$ my-script buzz 4

Registering a SubCommand

The @app.command method can also register another Cyclopts App as a command.

from cyclopts import App

app = App()
sub_app = App(name="foo")  # "foo" would be a better variable name than "sub_app".
# "sub_app" in this example emphasizes the name comes from name="foo".
app.command(sub_app)  # Registers sub_app to command "foo"
# Or, as a one-liner:  app.command(sub_app := App(name="foo"))

def bar(n: int):
    print(f"BAR: {n}")

# Alternatively, access subapps from app like a dictionary.
def baz(n: int):
    print(f"BAZ: {n}")

$ my-script foo bar 3
BAR: 3

$ my-script foo bar 4
BAZ: 4

The subcommand may have it's own registered default action. Cyclopts's command structure is fully recursive.

Changing Name

By default, a command is registered to the function name with underscores replaced with hyphens. Any leading or trailing underscore/hyphens will also be stripped. For example, the function _foo_bar() will become the command foo-bar. This automatic command name transform can be configured by App.name_transform. For example, to make CLI command names be identical to their python function name counterparts, we can configure App as follows:

app = App(name_transform=lambda s: s)

Alternatively, the name can be manually changed in the @app.command decorator. Manually set names are not subject to App.name_transform.

def foo():
    print("Hello World!")

# Hello World!

Adding Help

There are a few ways to adding a help string to a command:

  1. If the function has a docstring, the short description will be used as the help string for the command. This is generally the preferred method.

  2. If the registered command is a sub app, the sub app's help field will be used.

    sub_app = App(name="foo", help="Help text for foo.")
  3. The help field of @app.command. If provided, the docstring or subapp help field will not be used.

app = cyclopts.App()

def foo():
    """Help string for foo."""

@app.command(help="Help string for bar.")
def bar():
    """This got overridden."""
$ my-script --help
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ bar        Help string for bar.                                       │
│ foo        Help string for foo.                                       │
│ --help,-h  Display this message and exit.                             │
│ --version  Display application version.                               │


Cyclopts works with async functions too, it will run async function with

app = cyclopts.App()

async def foo():
    await asyncio.sleep(10)


Decorated Function Details

Cyclopts does not modify the decorated function in any way. The returned function is the exact same function being decorated. There is minimal overhead, and the function can be used exactly as if it were not decorated by Cyclopts.