
AutoRegistry is a python library that automatically creates string-to-functionality mappings, making it trivial to instantiate classes or invoke functions from CLI parameters.

Lets consider the following program that can download a file from either a GCP, AWS, or Azure bucket (without worrying about the implementation):

import cyclopts
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

def _download_gcp(bucket: str, key: str, dst: Path):
    print("Downloading data from Google.")

def _download_s3(bucket: str, key: str, dst: Path):
    print("Downloading data from Amazon.")

def _download_azure(bucket: str, key: str, dst: Path):
    print("Downloading data from Azure.")

_downloaders = {
    "gcp": _download_gcp,
    "s3": _download_s3,
    "azure": _download_azure,

app = cyclopts.App()

def download(bucket: str, key: str, dst: Path, provider: Literal[*_downloaders] = "gcp"):
    downloader = _downloaders[provider]
    downloader(bucket, key, dst)

$ my-script download --help
╭─ Parameters ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  BUCKET,--bucket      [required]                                      │
│ *  KEY,--key            [required]                                      │
│ *  DST,--dst            [required]                                      │
│    PROVIDER,--provider  [choices: gcp,s3,azure] [default: gcp]          │

$ my-script my-bucket my-key local.bin --provider=s3
Downloading data from Amazon.

Not bad, but let's see how this would look with autoregistry.

import cyclopts
from autoregistry import Registry
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

_downloaders = Registry(prefix="_download_")

def _download_gcp(bucket: str, key: str, dst: Path):
    print("Downloading data from Google.")

def _download_s3(bucket: str, key: str, dst: Path):
    print("Downloading data from Amazon.")

def _download_azure(bucket: str, key: str, dst: Path):
    print("Downloading data from Azure.")

app = cyclopts.App()

def download(bucket: str, key: str, dst: Path, provider: Literal[*_downloaders] = "gcp"):
    downloader = _downloaders[provider]
    downloader(bucket, key, dst)

$ my-script download --help
╭─ Parameters ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  BUCKET,--bucket      [required]                                      │
│ *  KEY,--key            [required]                                      │
│ *  DST,--dst            [required]                                      │
│    PROVIDER,--provider  [choices: gcp,s3,azure] [default: gcp]          │

$ my-script my-bucket my-key local.bin --provider=s3
Downloading data from Amazon.

Exactly the same functionality, but more terse and organized. AutoRegistry is a great tool for converting string CLI options into functional objects.