
A help screen is standard for every CLI application. Cyclopts by-default adds --help and -h flags to the application:

$ my-application --help
Usage: my-application COMMAND

My application short description.

╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ foo        Foo help string.                                        │
│ bar        Bar help string.                                        │
│ --help,-h  Display this message and exit.                          │
│ --version  Display application version.                            │

Cyclopts derives the components of the help string from a variety of sources. The source resolution order is as follows (as applicable):

  1. The help field in the @app.command decorator.

    app = cyclopts.App()
    @app.command(help="This is the highest precedence help-string for 'bar'.")
    def bar():

    When registering an App object, supplying help via the @app.command decorator is forbidden to reduce ambiguity and will raise a ValueError. See (2).

  2. Via

    app = cyclopts.App(help="This help string has highest precedence at the app-level.")
    sub_app = cyclopts.App(help="This is the help string for the 'foo' subcommand.")
    app.command(sub_app, name="foo")
    app.command(sub_app, name="foo", help="This is illegal and raises a ValueError.")
  3. The __doc__ docstring of the registered @app.default command. Cyclopts parses the docstring to populate short-descriptions and long-descriptions at the command-level, as well as at the parameter-level.

    app = cyclopts.App()
    app.command(cyclopts.App(), name="foo")
    def bar(val1: str):
        """This is the primary application docstring.
        val1: str
            This will be parsed for val1 help-string.
    @app["foo"].default  # You can access sub-apps like a dictionary.
    def foo_handler():
        """This will be shown for the "foo" command."""
  4. This resolution order, but of the Meta App.

    app = cyclopts.App()
    def bar():
        """This is the primary application docstring."""

Markup Format

The standard markup language for docstrings in python is reStructuredText (see PEP-0287). By default, Cyclopts parses docstring descriptions as restructuredtext and renders it appropriately. To change the markup format, set the App.help_format field accordingly.

Subapps inherit their parent's App.help_format unless explicitly overridden. I.e. you only need to set App.help_format in your main root application for all docstrings to be parsed appropriately.


Do not perform any additional parsing, display supplied text as-is.

app = App(help_format="plaintext")

def default():
    """My application summary.

    This is a pretty standard docstring; if there's a really long sentence
    I should probably wrap it because people don't like code that is more
    than 80 columns long.

    In this new paragraph, I would like to discuss the benefits of relaxing 80 cols to 120 cols.
    More text in this paragraph.

    Some new paragraph.
Usage: default COMMAND

My application summary.

This is a pretty standard docstring; if there's a really long
I should probably wrap it because people don't like code that is
than 80 columns long.

In this new paragraph, I would like to discuss the benefits of
relaxing 80 cols to 120 cols.
More text in this paragraph.

Some new paragraph.

╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help,-h  Display this message and exit.                      │
│ --version  Display application version.                        │

Most noteworthy, is no additional text reflow is performed; newlines are presented as-is.


Displays text as Rich Markup.


Newlines are interpreted literally.

app = App(help_format="rich")


ReStructuredText is the default parsing behavior of Cyclopts, so help_format won't need to be explicitly set.

app = App(help_format="restructuredtext")  # or "rst"
# or don't supply help_format at all; rst is default.

def default():
    """My application summary.

    We can do RST things like have **bold text**.
    More words in this paragraph.

    This is a new paragraph with some bulletpoints below:

    * bullet point 1.
    * bullet point 2.

Resulting help:

Usage: default COMMAND

My application summary.

We can do RST things like have bold text. More words in this

This is a new paragraph with some bulletpoints below:

• bullet point 1.
• bullet point 2.

╭─ Commands ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help,-h  Display this message and exit.                           │
│ --version  Display application version.                             │

Under most circumstances, plaintext (without any additional markup) looks prettier and reflows better when interpreted as restructuredtext (or markdown, for that matter).


Markdown is another popular markup language that Cyclopts can render.

app = App(help_format="markdown")  # or "md"

def default():
    """My application summary.

    We can do markdown things like have **bold text**.
    [Hyperlinks work as well.](

Resulting help:

Usage: default COMMAND

My application summary.

We can do markdown things like have bold text. Hyperlinks work as well.

╭─ Commands ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help,-h  Display this message and exit.                           │
│ --version  Display application version.                             │

Help Flags

The default --help flags can be changed to different name(s) via the help_flags parameter.

app = cyclopts.App(help_flags="--show-help")
app = cyclopts.App(help_flags=["--send-help", "--send-help-plz", "-h"])

To disable the help-page entirely, set help_flags to an empty string or iterable.

app = cyclopts.App(help_flags="")
app = cyclopts.App(help_flags=[])