
Packaging is bundling up your python library so that it can be easily pip install by others.

Typically this involves:

  1. Bundling the code into a Built Distribution (wheel) and/or Source Distribution (sdist).

  2. Uploading (publishing) the distribution(s) to python package repository, like PyPI.

This section is a brief bootcamp on package configuration for a CLI application. This is not intended to be a complete tutorial on python packaging and publishing. In this tutorial, replace all instances of mypackage with your own project name.

In python, if you have a module mypackage/, it will be executed with the bash command python -m mypackage.

A pretty bare-bones Cyclopts mypackage/ will look like:

# mypackage/

import cyclopts

app = cyclopts.App()

def foo(name: str):
    print(f"Hello {name}!")

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python -m mypackage World
Hello World!


If you want your application to be callable like a standard bash executable (i.e. my-package instead of python -m mypackage), we'll need to add an entrypoint. We'll investigate the setuptools solution, and the poetry solution.

Setuptools is a script at the root of your project that gets executed upon installation. setup.cfg and pyproject.toml are two other alternatives that are supported.

The following are all equivalent, but should not be used at the same time. It is important that the function specified takes no arguments.


from setuptools import setup

    # There should be a lot more fields populated here.
        "console_scripts": [
            "my-package = mypackage.__main__:main",
# pyproject.toml
my-package = "mypackage.__main__:main"
# setup.cfg
console_scripts =
    my-package = mypackage.__main__:main

All of these represent the same thing: create an executable named my-package that executes function main (from the right of the colon) from the python module mypackage.__main__. Note that this configuration is independent of any special naming, like __main__ or main. The setuptools entrypoint documentation goes into further detail.


Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python (and what Cyclopts uses). The syntax is very similar to setuptools:

# pyproject.toml

my-package = "mypackage.__main__:main"