Default Parameter

The default values of Parameter can be configured via App.default_parameter.

For example, to disable the negative flag feature across your entire app:

from cyclopts import App, Parameter

app = App(default_parameter=Parameter(negative=()))

def foo(*, flag: bool):


Consequently, --no-flag is no longer provided:

$ my-script foo --help
Usage: my-script foo [ARGS] [OPTIONS]

╭─ Parameters ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --flag  [required]                                         │

Explicitly setting negative in the function signature overrides this configuration and works as expected:

def foo(*, flag: Annotated[bool, Parameter(negative="--anti-flag")]):
$ my-script foo --help
Usage: my-script foo [ARGS] [OPTIONS]

╭─ Parameters ──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --flag,--anti-flag  [required]                             │

Resolution Order

When resolving what the Parameter values for an individual function parameter should be, explicitly set attributes of higher priority Parameters override lower priority Parameters. The resolution order is as follows:

  1. Highest Priority: Parameter-annotated command function signature Annotated[..., Parameter()].

  2. Group.default_parameter that the parameter belongs to.

  3. App.default_parameter of the app that registered the command.

  4. Group.default_parameter of the app that the function belongs to.

  5. Lowest Priority: (2-4) recursively of the parenting app call-chain.

Any of Parameter's fields can be set to None to revert back to the true-original Cyclopts default. All App/Group/Parameter default_parameter values default to None.