Docstring Parsing

Typer performs no docstring parsing. Frequently, Typer's Argument/Option is only used to provide a help string. However, this help string commonly mirrors the function's docstring.

Consider the following Typer program:

typer_app = typer.Typer()

def dummy():
    # So that ``foo`` is considered a command.

def foo(bar):
    """Foo Docstring.

    bar: str
        Bar parameter docstring.
$ my-script --help
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ foo                 Foo Docstring.                                    │

$ my-script foo --help
Foo Docstring.
Parameters ---------- bar: str     Bar parameter docstring.

╭─ Arguments ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    bar      TEXT  [default: None] [required]                        │

The foo command's short description was properly parsed from the docstring. However, it mangles the Numpy-style docstring (or any docstring format for that matter) and doesn't correctly display bar's help. Typer just displays the entire docstring.

To achieve the desired result with Typer, we have to explicitly annotate the parameter bar:

def foo(bar: Annotated[str, Argument(help="Bar parameter docstring.")]):

For any serious application, this means that every function parameter must be annotated this way, significantly bloating the function signature.

Compare this to Cyclopts:

cyclopts_app = cyclopts.App()

def foo(bar):
    """Foo Docstring.

    bar: str
        Bar parameter docstring.
$ my-script --help
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ foo  Foo Docstring.                                                   │

$ my-script foo --help

Foo Docstring.

╭─ Parameters ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  BAR,--bar  Bar parameter docstring. [required]                     │

Cyclopts did not mangle the docstring into the long description, and it correctly parsed bar's help. This ends up significantly simplifying function signatures in the common situation where just a help string needs to be added. The common case in Cyclopts does not require the lengthy Annotated[str, Parameter(help="Bar parameter docstring")].

Internally, Cyclopts uses the excellent docstring_parser library for parsing docstrings. Check their project out!